So although the trip was 80% old people, there was a group of us termed "young ones" - thanks to Angela, our tour leader- hehehe. It mainly consisted of Me (the oldest and the mastermind of most of the jumping shots), Justin and his brother Josh.
We occupied the back of the bus and nope, we didn't make alot of noise, we slept alot! hahaha..We kept bugging our driver, Noor, to drive us to the nearest KFC for a change of meal. We were getting so sick of the Israeli cold COLD food. hahaha..But as expected, he didn't understand a word we said, and I bet neither did Josh. hahahaha..
Anyways...remaining close as we were, after a long and tiring plane ride (coz those 2 brothers refused to let me sleep, Justin kept poking me whenever I would close my eyes) we bid our goodbyes. They were stopping over at Istabul for a night before returning home to Singapore. Although stubbornly I said I wouldn't miss them, I did. The journey back to Singapore was boring and quiet, but I DID finally managed to get some sleep.hahaha...
I was dead tired, hungry and feeling very dirty when we got back to Singapore. Glad to be home though. =) Friday night went by fast,and I was awaken on Sat morning by the 2 rascals pronouncing their arrival. Amazingly from then on, I got pretty close to Justin(probably becoz he was the freest among all. Josh had school). Chatted with him regularly and meeting up regularly coz he was helping out to do the photo slides which he did with perfection. He was also my saviour from boredom at work. hahaha...Sometimes I laugh and smile to myself at the msgs that he sends and Rayson would think I'm crazy...he'd come over and disturb me saying that I should go home and take my medicine. hahaha..
'Lil Justin' as some friends call him (so as not to get mixed up with Justin Liang).hahaha...Its weird that although he's soo much younger than me (bloody hell!!!)..We click perfectly well..hahaha weird eh?!Its sometimes really scary where we would be thinking off the same thing and he would finish up my sentences. Can you imagine? I actually found someone that does that but he's soo much younger than me?! Bloody hell!!!!Hahahaha...
He's a nice, decent and well mannered boy. Im proud that he did well on his O's and hopefully goes to the right school for his own sake. You never know the people we meet in this day and time (WOW! I sounded like a big Jie Jie). So Justin, if you're reading this..remember this:
You have along way to go before you finish school. This is usually the best time in one's life, the other is when you get married and become a father ( so I hear!) enjoy and learn from every experiences that you get, be it good or bad. A lesson someone older taught me: Whatever you do in life, remember to never regret it. So make the right choices which I'm sure you will and enjoy Life!
okok enough of being a big Jie Jie.hahahaha.. So's the story of how Lil Justin has become such a big part of my life...and Oh yah..*shhh he told me to add this in*..
he won this battle that we had between us. See right, we usually can finish up each other sentences or type in the exact thing we were thinking of. So earlier today, he was telling me something that a priest once told him..that ..the girl will chase him and not he chase the girl coz he's sooo charming. =)
so I asked where's the line of girls that follows this Mr charming?? ahahaha. His reply was that..the line was along East coast till West coast..but none caught his eye..and oh yah, I was in the line too but I didn't catch his eye.Then I rebute saying..but if I was in his line..then why did he come up to my place yesterday to see me? hahahaha...for a minute, he had nothing to say. hahaha..My rebuttal was too good for him, coz it was a fact that he came up to see me. hahaha..Then I reminded him that its difficult to come up with a rebuttal when we both think soo alike. hahaha..then..suddenly by some power, he came up with a rebuttal and said..he said that he came up to tell me that I had no chance to be his GF even if I had Q'd. Then I lent him the book as an apology for not queuing up coz I never showed him face. hahahaha...
SEE LAH!! what I have to go through..hahaha
But he's a really nice kid (opps..dude) and I really really like him. =)

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