Saturday, October 29

Dirty Dealings...

Haha..we had a classic 'drugy' event last Monday. The gang were at Chatswood having dinner at our famous BBQ Kitchen. Da and I were early, so we met up with Adez, Nav,Nel and Dave first. Da and Nav both bought Yeo packet drinks by the carton at the chinese supermart. Coz our car was parked nearer we put both cartons in our car first.

After dinner, Nav said that he would drive up to meet up and collect his drinks. Whislt waiting, I helped exchange one of da's lychee drinks with Nav's sugar cane. BTW this was all done at the boot of the car. It looked so dodgy coz the carpark was dark and dingy, and while this 'commotion' was going on, I was on a look out for it looked like some drug thing happening. It was funny when Nav pulled up SLOWLY with dark tinted windows. I swear if there were cops around, we would surely be questioned. But the suspicion ended when Hairul came to give Doug a kiss and we all kept saying 'Good nighst' and 'I love yous' .

Once again, a memory made to be kept forever!!! This can only happen with this gang in Sydney. Guys I'm definately gonna miss you.

Sunday, October 23

I'm back - AKON

From the words of Akon,
' Don't look no further... I was gone for a minute but now I'm home'

YES I'm back!! Boy do I miss this place. The weather, the smell of this place, the feel to this place,.. but most importantly the PEOPLE!! I think in the last couple of days I've caught up with almost everyone here. Although Mark's been working non-stop, and I haven't got a chance to be with him yet, catching up with the guys has been great! From the night out at BlackBird to Doug's birthday party..I hadn't had the time to breathe.
Only now as I wait for dear Miss Chow to get ready. We're heading to Chinatown then to the Rocks for more phototaking. I promise for pics to be up soon. I have not installed photoshop on my lappy yet so excuse me, but it might take awhile for the pics to be uploaded. Also I'm waiting for people to send me pics. =)

So here I am, in Sydney for the next 2 weeks catching up with my mates and my lover.hehehe..then back to reality. Sigh! Anyways..I'm off to look for food and to catch some sun rays..take care people.

Tuesday, October 18

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Tuesday, October 4

WOW..I spent the last hour reading my past bloggings. Mum reckons that blogs are the best thing invented as it has finally got me to write down my thoughts and dreams. hahaha...
Well..I must say that I DID write alot back in those days. Uni days sure gave me lots of free time. =) Wish I could go back and relive those years again. but life goes on doesn't it? does. 13wks back and what have I acomplished?? do I dare say nothing? Life for me hasn't really gone according to plans as such but I'm taking it a day at a time. With parents on my back constantly, I really have no choice but to live a day as it comes. I'm slowly learning to deal with parental pressure all over again. Its not easy, but i guess one has to deal with it.

Okay, I'm really lost for words now. Nothing much has happened lately and I can't think of anything that would be worth saying. Now is that bad or what?! Has my life shifted into a mundane and boring routine that I can't possibly find anything interesting? Dear me..what should I do? what can I do? well for starters, I plan to turn this sat a workout day for me. A run in the morning, followed by a swim, and maybe for the mind I'll play articulate by myself (sad huh?) hehehe...ah wellz.

so there you have, the lowest low down you could possibly read. sigh, sigh, sigh...