Wednesday, June 29

All set, Ready to go!!

Hey Hey fellow friends, well the time has come for me to say goodbye. Yup this is it, I'm done with Uni and I'm heading home. Its sad I know but hey when one chapter ends another begins. So I'll like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that I've met in my journey here.

1) I'll like to thank my parents for supporting me through the years. Without them I wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you mum n dad. I love you!

2) Mark. For believing in me and carrying me when I had given up. Thank you for being my teacher, my lover and my best friend. I love you and I will for the rest of my life.

3) My Girls aka my Sisters.

Mags>> 'Sleeping' with you was an experience that I would never forget. All the funny classic events ('Andy' or the 'fishy fishy fishy'). For being my pillar of hope and just by being you made my life here a better place to be in. I will never forget all the times we've spent goofing around and all the special moments we've shared.

Adez>> The times we spent at Unilodge was unforgettable. Remember the nights when you would come knocking on my door with a toothbrush. Those were the days! Thank you for being there when I needed support and giving me advice when I was lost. Oh yah how can I forget, thank you for sharing clothes with me! =) Miss 'Moo Moo' pants.

Debz>> My hardworking and determined friend. I've tried so hard to be so like you but I always never seem to get it right. I guess it takes alot to be someone like you and I'll always be there trying to learn. Thank you for the times when you took care of me when I was sick, for helping me learn and for cooking all those delicious desserts. Girl! you have to cook for me sometime soon.

Nel>> Nelly Nelly!! What can I say. Thank you for just being you. You have brought so much fun in my life. Thank you for all the times that you would just sit and listen to me blabber on. Thanks for all the shopping therapy and just the chill out sessions that we have.

Well girls, its been a long journey for us all and there's more to come for sure. i'm just going to leave you guys for a while but I promise I'll be back. I love you girls, you've been my everything for the last few years.

4) The boyfriends and the brother. Yes, that's mainly you Pascal, Robs and Nav.

Pas>> Well I guess if it wasn't for me to invite Pas to join our circle of friends, you both would have to find another way to get close. =) Thanks Pas for pushing me to Mark at UTS and getting to know his name. I guess we're even huh.

Robs>> Thank you for being my little brother. Im going to miss all the jumping up and down, playing with the 'light saber', 'dragonball' and those dance moves. hehehe..Now waking up to pee in the middle of the night won't be same without finding you out there. =P

Nav>> We've only known each other a short time but I'm rest assured that Mark is well taken care of. Seeing those loving stares you give him make me realise that you 'love' him. hehehe..

5) For the rest of the friends that I've missed. Thank you for making my journey here alot worth while.

So this is it. World, please be prepared for little Nerdy Ner is coming.

Tuesday, June 21

Sunday, June 19

Colour me..


You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Monday, June 13

Good NEWS!!

hey hey people..well I kinda got a piece of good news. I'm staying for 1 more day!! Yaay!! hehehe...well I found out that Mr Pascal Bobillier is leaving for Singapore the day after my original flight back home so I managed to squeeze another day and catch the same flight as him!
Hip hip Mags is trying to come up with reasons for me to stay here longer..Hahaha...Keep trying girl. Its not me you have to convinced.

Friday, June 10


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Here are the pics from past events..Sorry it's took me so long to post them up...

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Thursday, June 9

Story of my life lately...

Like Sands through the hour glass, so are the days of my life

1) Its that time of the semester where work load seem to suddenly pile waaaay beeyond your head. I think on average, I'm writing at least 10 000 words per week. And that shall be carried on for another couple of weeks.

2) My poor baby's been having the hardest time in his life. Just this week, he handed in his thesis on Wed, had 2 essays due on Thurs and 1 project assignment on Fri. So his lack of sleep and the build-up of stress has given his short-temper a push. So lately there's this invisble tension between us due to uni. Boy do I hate UNI!!!

3) Well, I'm glad to say, I'm done with assignments for a while now (till SUN), and I'll be getting to spend some time with my baby. Woo Hoo..FINALLY.

4) Counting down the days till I leave. (sob sob). Can't believe everything is coming to an end!! I never understood the saying "All good things must come to an end". Must they really?? why can't we hold on to what we truly cherish and rid the bad bad stuff (which apparently tends to stay longer).

5) By the time exams are over, it is OFFICIAL!!! I would have finished my 15 years of education life. Wow that's more than half of my life spent on education. Sheesh!! =) Now its time for me to step into the world of the workforce. So world, here I come..please be prepared.

Thursday, June 2

Rascal Flatts

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I think I'm in love. I was brought up listening to country but my ears have never heard anything so beautiful. aaahhh...well for those that can't stand country then I'm sorry to inform that this is one of those kind of bands with the annoying country accent. But none the less, these guys are amazing. With the soulful lyrics..I could go to heaven. Okay that's my thoughts for today.

Hands up for MY GUY!!!

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