Thursday, June 9

Story of my life lately...

Like Sands through the hour glass, so are the days of my life

1) Its that time of the semester where work load seem to suddenly pile waaaay beeyond your head. I think on average, I'm writing at least 10 000 words per week. And that shall be carried on for another couple of weeks.

2) My poor baby's been having the hardest time in his life. Just this week, he handed in his thesis on Wed, had 2 essays due on Thurs and 1 project assignment on Fri. So his lack of sleep and the build-up of stress has given his short-temper a push. So lately there's this invisble tension between us due to uni. Boy do I hate UNI!!!

3) Well, I'm glad to say, I'm done with assignments for a while now (till SUN), and I'll be getting to spend some time with my baby. Woo Hoo..FINALLY.

4) Counting down the days till I leave. (sob sob). Can't believe everything is coming to an end!! I never understood the saying "All good things must come to an end". Must they really?? why can't we hold on to what we truly cherish and rid the bad bad stuff (which apparently tends to stay longer).

5) By the time exams are over, it is OFFICIAL!!! I would have finished my 15 years of education life. Wow that's more than half of my life spent on education. Sheesh!! =) Now its time for me to step into the world of the workforce. So world, here I come..please be prepared.

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