Tuesday, March 15

Here I am once again. Wow twice in one day. Not a bad start to this bloggin thing. Hmm..what have I got to say? Life is begining to actually look some what on the brighter side. I'm loving the subjects that I'm taking this semester. We get to talk about facts of life. Now ain't that something. I truthfully look forward to going into uni every fucking day. but hey it's only the 2nd week so can't say much there.

So far, these few weeks back have been great. Things with Mr.Right is going pretty much where I guess it can go for now. We had better days but its life, and I'm confident ít'll get better. Been having loads of birthday parties and I'm fucking broke right now. Don't people ever see the point of 'its the thoughts that count'. We live in such a competitive world where everyone is trying to outdo everyone else. Geezz...do I really want to live in such a world?

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