Wednesday, March 7

You would think that someone who loves you would know you the best inside and out, but the truth is...they know NOTHING about you!

Seriously? Seriously!!!

Maybe its time for me to let go that part of me. To be free. Is it possible to imprison yourself with a fear of the unknown?

I'm thinking of reasons of why we should still be together? Thinking of all those memories. Truth is, that's the past and this is the present. It also looks like you're not trying, so why should I?
This time, no more excuses. No more thinking with the head, just follow the heart. Its a risk but no one ever said love was a planned activity right? So why should I then plan out my future.


Down with a very very bad flu. Have a very stubborn fever that refused to go down. And now and very bad irritating cough. Dear Lord, please help me get well.

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