Went to catch IL DIvO at Kallang Indoor stadium. Before I rant off how good the show was, let me just say that it's been ages since I last went to the indoor stadium. I think the last time I actually stepped inside was about 10years ago. Shit! that was a really long time eh. But everything seems so yesterday. Sigh...how time flies.
Okay back to the concert. It was SUPERB!We were seated right at the back but it was still good. Mum wouldn't have liked the front coz she said she would have gotten a heart attack from the powerful voices. hehehe...Their harmonising was magnificent and most of their songs ended with my hair on their ends.In the end, it was a GREAT night. Truly enjoyed their voices...now still ringing in my ears.My favourite song...MAMA - Il Divo
Mama thank you for who I am
Thank you for all the things I'm not
Forgive me for the words unsaid For the timesI forgot
Mama remember all my life You showed me love,You sacrificed
Mama remember all my life You showed me love,You sacrificed
Think of those young and early days
How I've changed along the way
And I know you believed
And I know you had dreams
And I'm sorry it took all this time to see
That I am where I am because of your truthI miss you, I miss you
Mama forgive the times you cried
Forgive me for not making right
All of the storms I may have caused
And I've been wrong Dry your eyes
Mama I hope this makes you smile
I hope you're happy with my life
At peace with every choice I made
How I've changed Along the way
And I know you believed in all of my dreams
And I owe it all to you, Mama
L-R Sebastian (France), David (USA), Urs (Switzerland), Carlos (Spain).

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