Friday, November 10

Think think think. Write write write. There's so much to say but no time to think it through. Well, for starters I shall begin by saying how much I miss Sydney. Okay I know this is not something new and probably by now its getting abit tired on the ears. I used to think (and I still do sometimes) it was more of the friends and freedom that I missed. It wasn't so much of the place. But now I think about it, maybe it was the place. I miss the feeling you get of knowing a place so well that you feel comfortable walking around alone aimlessly. I know I've lived almost all my life (minus the 5years spent in Syd) in Singapore and I should feel the same here .... but I don't. There's always this feeling of 'have to be somewhere' or 'have to have a purpose'. Maybe its just me.
Then the other feeling I missed is the feeling of winter. (okay for this part, it doesn't necessarily be because of Sydney - anywhere that is cold). I miss the feeling of cold rush that you get when you just step out of the house in the morning and the cold wind hits your face. Or the desire of getting into your warm bed at night. Sigh...ok so maybe all these things are just superficial. I guess home is where the heart is. But right now, I don't even know where my heart is. Singapore is good and I love it here. But for now, I wanna travel.But where, I have no idea...



adekoay said...

can't sit still anymore, can you? being in a place is never as exciting as being somewhere else (ie: grass is always greener on the other side). ultimately, you need to find out where "home" is for you and where you can best be yourself. my mum always says that home is where family is. unfortunately for me, my family is everywhere. but lucky for you, your family is right there where you are. doesn't mean you can't be somewhere else though!

Mark said...

i wish u wud come home to me... i love u n miss u everyday.