Monday, September 25

Helo people, im back here to blog. I know i haven't been penning down my actions lately and I apologise for that..So today I didn't bother to go out for lunch. I sat down in front of my computer and starting reading my past blogs. Boy was life alot simpler. I had a purpose in life! Sure there were exams to study for, books needed to be read, reports needed to be compiled, but everything was for a reason..
to get that darn Degree
As for now, there's nothing infront of me. Day in day out, its just work!
7.30am Wake up
8.15am Leave the house
9am Log in. Work!
1pm Lunch
6pm Log out! HOME

That's my daily routine for 5 days a week. What happens at night isn't really that impressive. Its usually spent in front of the telly, wasting the night away. I guess the main thing that gets me going every day is the money Im making which hopefully is cleverly saved for my future. Sigh.
Okay talk about work. Last Friday, I experienced something really scary but so part of life. My work was experiencing an organisation reshuffle. So what happened?! We lost 3 really great employees. 2 of which are very close to me. So it was heart renching and sad. Felt very bad at the same time. To still have a job when others have lost it. Life is really not fair.=(

Wednesday, September 20

Again, surrounded by the four walls of my department forcing thoughts of the unconscious to arise. So what am I doing here? Am I happy here? Hmm..IL let myself ponder on that more.
Yesterday, I went for yet another spa. Yeap..that's me, Lady of Leisure. hehehe...been trying all the 'first trials' at different spa locations. Don't know if I'll ever sign up for a package with any of them tho. hehehe..Altho,I might consider the one at Bangkok. I think that one still takes the cake.=) Yesterday's spa thing was different tho. We had a body scrub, a steam bath and a full body massage. Everything in total took about 2hour plus. Boy did I sure feel relaxed after that. =)
Now apart from all the massages and destress techniques that I've been applying, nothing much 'interesting' has been happening. I just reformatted my computer (too many bugs), so bringing it back to its original state (downloading softwares that made it buggy in the first place - sigh) is taking up some of my time. My other time is gone to reading the Davinci Code. I finally subjected myself to reading that book before watching the movie. The book has proven to be very very interesting so far.
Oh I think I failed to mention, at work there's this new ruling in place.

Late for work 20 cents
Angry at a customer 20 cents
Farting on office grounds 20 cents

Staying sane and stressfree PRICELESS!!!

The first few times, I tried, TRIEd to be early. I even thought of taking a cab to work, but then I thought, why pay $6 to get to work early when I just have to pay 20c if I'm late. From that day on, I think I've only been early to work 3x. How sad is it that I'm proud to be known as Miss Always-Late. hehehe...WELL, it wasn't me who put in place this new rule. It doesn't really affect me much if I'm late by a couple of minutes. I don't really start work WORK, till about 10 anyways. =P

ANYWHOOO...I'm in need for another holiday. I've been having dreams of being away in some foreign land...that's how badly I need one. hehehe..One night, I'm whisked away to Thailand, having a shopping spree, the next night, I'm off to Sydney, having tea and gossip sessions with my girlfriends, the next, I'm back in Paris, with the boy, overlooking Paris from the Eiffel tower.The holiday dreaming goes on and on..If only this was real and that I can physically be swept off my feet and be taken to every place I want to go. WAKE UP NER!!! WAKE UP!!!

Monday, September 18

Idol Obsessed!

Heloo....reason for the sudden outburst of youtubes is plainly boredom at work. hehehe..always becoz Mark and Mags been talking about the new Australian idol. So I had to check it out for myself. Lavina Williams is indeed great!

Sunday, September 17

Guy Sebastian - Taller, Stronger, Better

Mags...this is for you.
Guy Sebastian - Climb Every Mountain

OMG!! I cried again!
Anthony Callea - MTV - The Pray

Singers from Australian Idol.

I miss you Mags..

Tuesday, September 5

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars (from Grey's Anatomy)

Sunday, September 3

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Friday, September 1

how old is this? Check out how young the stars were. This was in 1991. One of my favourite songs.