Its 4.42am in Singapore and I'm suffering from a bad jetlag. Slept for about an 1hr and then my eyes were wide open. So decided to refresh and update myself with people's lives. What did I do? Went blog visiting. Got this from Ades. Thought it was quite true. Bazaar?!?! Now whaddya think? I never thought I'd go visit London or Paris. They both weren't high on my Places-to-Visit list but I went anyways.. and I'm glad with every bit of my body that I went. I truely enjoyed myself. It wasn't so much of the excitement or the need to go on a holiday that made me truly enjoy the trip. But it was more of an eye opener that made me love it. Im not sure if I'l be making any sense here but that trip really made me realise what I want in life and what my dreams are in the near future. How weird is it, that my dreams are within reach but yet so un attainable. hmm..There's so much out there, so many places to visit, so much to learn..
Anyways, it'd be a while till I take my next holiday. Gotta earn back what I spent (you got to love the pounds IF your earning it!). Picture will be up soon.
| Your travel type: Travel Yup
The Travel Yup likes exotic and adventurous travel, but prefers big cities with fast paced life. He has a keen interest in other cultures and always brings home a few souvenirs.
Shopping in Bangkok, getting a tailor made suite in Kuala Lumpur, that's the kind of thing the Travel Yup is into. Even though he likes to get away, he prefers his travels to be comfortable. |  |
| top destinations:Amsterdam Alice Springs Beirut
| stay away from:Kashmir Tokyo Darien Gap
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