Monday, March 28

Do the things at night that go bump scare you??

Its 1120am this morning and I'm up. I slept at 530am and that leaves me with 6hrs of sleep! Hmm..why am I complaining? 6hrs is a fair amount of sleep one can have. Maybe because for the past few months I've been getting at least 8hrs sleep. OMG! why the fuck am I sleeping so much when there's so much things to be done?! Alright, new resolution (even if its in the middle of the year), no more < 8yrs of sleep. Deal? Deal!

So about last night's marathon... It started with RING2. Fuck that show is fucked up man! I have to admit there were moments in the film that I barely had my eyes open. It was bad, now I images with Samara (I think that's her name) - the freaky girl who doesn't have time to cut her hair coz she's dead! On the whole I think I might give the show a 7/10. I think this one was better than RING. Maybe because for ring, the jap version was the bomb and nothing could outdo it. As for RING2, I never saw the 'right' version of the jap version so I had nothing to compare it to. So if you're deciding to watch RING2 and u haven't watched the jap version, I'll say go for it. but for those wanting to just watch a scary shit movie, I think Amittyville Horror, White Noise and BoogeyMan is going to be heaps times scarier.

Movie 2: Assault on Precinct 13.
Here's an outline of the movie. Its about an about-to-close police precinct. Due to the snowy weather the most-wanted mobster (Fishburne) is temporarily incarcerated at the doomed Precinct 13, which receives renewed, unwanted attention from all sides of the law. Basically its a fight for suvival between the 'police' and the people in the police precinct. It was a movie that kept me off my seat. I'm not sure if it was the fact that I was dead tired or the movie was really heart-pumping. Well, mags reckon its both. I'll give this movie a 8.5/10.

Movie 3: Meet the Fockers.
I have to admit by the time it came to this stage, I was dead. So we decided to chicken out and head home. =) the movie was alright although I though Meet the Parents was better. How would I know? Well, to tell the truth, I've already seen this in Singapore. I'd rate it 7/10.

Now that was about all that happen between last night and early this morning. I'm feeling guilty as my work has finally caught up with me, so its about time i sit down and start doing my assignments. Sigh. Its the Easter break and I was thinking it'd be good to do some catching up. Well I'm lucky enough if I'll get through half of what I planned to do. So with no futher ado, I shall bid adieu and head to the books - where I belong.

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