Tuesday, January 6


2009 is already here!!! Can you imagine that?! Time just passes by too quickly. Some say time passes by quickly when you're having fun but I can't say that I truly am. But that's just another story for another day yah?!

So its the beginning of another year and what have I done? I wouldn't really condemn 2008 as to be a REALLY bad year but would just say it was a journey filled with different experiences.

Things that happened in 2008:
I went to Japan for the first time.
I left APC to join OCBC only to re join APC again.
I sort of learnt what I want in my life in the career sense.
I turned 25.
I attended 8 weddings.
One of the girls got married and it was such a beautiful thing. (this alone has to be another entry).
I did a pilgramage. I went to the Holy Land.
I definately made alot of new friends.

Things I want in 2009:
I want to love again.
I want to make more money.
I want my career to grow.
I want to be happy.
I want to finally make that trip back to Sydney.
I want to go to Canada for Xmas.

Another year for yet another experience.

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