Friday, May 6

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my random posts - due to boredom in uni. Imagine surfing the net or reading about gender policies?? hmm...I thought so too. I reckon she's cute..she was some advert that we had to anaylse for some stupid dumb subject..


Mark said...

Whoa, she is hot!!

N3R said...

I know you dumb dumb...I put it up for you...go STUDY WMST and you'll find heaps of these girls just awaiting to pop up on your screen...

Anonymous said...

Hey ner!
it was great catching up!
adelaide's great... halfway between canberra and melbourne, with melbourne being my fav :)

ugh... it's cold everywhere, and it's not going to get warmer anymore. sobz.

catch ya later!

Peoplez said...

God Damn she's HOT!!!