Sunday, April 10

Day 2

Its the 2nd day of my sprained ankle and it looks weird! Its all blue and stuff (from all the rubbing and walking). I'm not the kind to sit around on my ass all day long. Its soo frustrating coz everywhere I turn, people look at me funny. What's wrong with society!? Haven't they seen a person with sprained ankle before?? hehehe...

Okay getting hungry. Had a big bacon and eggs breakfast and I'm hungry again. What's wrong with me man?! Must be the hormones... Poor Nav -sleeping like a baby outside. Afraid to make much noise and wake him up...ZZzzzzZZzZZzzzZZZz

"llulaby llulaby, go to sleep now my little baby"

hang on that's not the right song...okay nevermind..

1 comment:

N3R said...

just testing this out, as Sis pointed out that she can't leave comments...well now you can!! =)